The filling date of company HOLTHOUSE CARLIN & VAN TRIGT LLP is 17th October 2016. and expiration day is 31st October 2017. Company is incorporated on17th October 2016. Company ID is 604049549 and status of the firm is Active. The governing person of the comapany partner is Bierhorst, David and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is O'Connell, Patricia and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Paule, Robin and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is BYS Company, Inc, and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Cordano, Kevin and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Haleblian, Vicken and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Lilly, John and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Hansen, Donna and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Stephenson, Scott and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Miller, Julie and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Hofman, Mara and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Vinolus, Nicholas and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Flashberg, Jason and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Giles, Curt and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Kishi, John and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Erard, David and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Carter, Michele and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Welch, Ryan and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Ito, Dennis and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Gustafsson, Hans and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Strug, Jeff and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Zeiger, David and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Holthouse AAC, Philip J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA . The governing person of the comapany partner is Carlin AAC, James S and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA . The governing person of the comapany partner is Van Trigt AAC, John E and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Christian AAC, Blake E and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Hutchins AAC, Greggory J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Warburton AAC, William L and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Tamkin AAC, Norman J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Gonzales AAC, Victor J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Froelich AAC, Kenneth R and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Thielman PSC, Mike and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany partner is Torosyan, Inc. AAC, Andy and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Bierhorst, David and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is O'Connell, Patricia and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Paule, Robin and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is BYS Company, Inc, and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Cordano, Kevin and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Haleblian, Vicken and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Lilly, John and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Hansen, Donna and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Stephenson, Scott and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Miller, Julie and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Hofman, Mara and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Vinolus, Nicholas and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Flashberg, Jason and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Giles, Curt and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Kishi, John and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Erard, David and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Carter, Michele and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Welch, Ryan and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Ito, Dennis and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Gustafsson, Hans and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Strug, Jeff and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Zeiger, David and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Holthouse AAC, Philip J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA . The governing person of the comapany governor is Carlin AAC, James S and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA . The governing person of the comapany governor is Van Trigt AAC, John E and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Christian AAC, Blake E and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Hutchins AAC, Greggory J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Warburton AAC, William L and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Tamkin AAC, Norman J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Gonzales AAC, Victor J and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Froelich AAC, Kenneth R and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Thielman PSC, Mike and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064. The governing person of the comapany governor is Torosyan, Inc. AAC, Andy and address is 11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064.
- UBI number
- 604049549
- Category
- Company status
- Active
- State Of Incorporation
- CA
- Filling Date
- 17th October 2016
- Expiration Date
- 31st October 2017
- Inactive Date
Registered Agent
- Agent Name
- Agent Address
- 505 UNION AVE SE STE 120
- Agent City
- Agent State
- WA
- Agent ZIP
- 985011474
Governing Persons
- Bierhorst, David
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - O'Connell, Patricia
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Paule, Robin
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - BYS Company, Inc,
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Cordano, Kevin
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Haleblian, Vicken
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Lilly, John
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Hansen, Donna
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Stephenson, Scott
- partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Miller, Julie
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Hofman, Mara
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Vinolus, Nicholas
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 - Flashberg, Jason
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 - Giles, Curt
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Kishi, John
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Erard, David
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Carter, Michele
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Welch, Ryan
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Ito, Dennis
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Gustafsson, Hans
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Strug, Jeff
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Zeiger, David
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Holthouse AAC, Philip J
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA - Carlin AAC, James S
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA - Van Trigt AAC, John E
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Christian AAC, Blake E
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Hutchins AAC, Greggory J
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Warburton AAC, William L
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Tamkin AAC, Norman J
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Gonzales AAC, Victor J
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Froelich AAC, Kenneth R
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Thielman PSC, Mike
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Torosyan, Inc. AAC, Andy
- Partner
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Bierhorst, David
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - O'Connell, Patricia
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Paule, Robin
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - BYS Company, Inc,
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Cordano, Kevin
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Haleblian, Vicken
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Lilly, John
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Hansen, Donna
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Stephenson, Scott
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Miller, Julie
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Hofman, Mara
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Vinolus, Nicholas
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 - Flashberg, Jason
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11LOS ANGELES, CA 90064 - Giles, Curt
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Kishi, John
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Erard, David
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Carter, Michele
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Welch, Ryan
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Ito, Dennis
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Gustafsson, Hans
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Strug, Jeff
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Zeiger, David
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Holthouse AAC, Philip J
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA - Carlin AAC, James S
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA - Van Trigt AAC, John E
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Christian AAC, Blake E
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Hutchins AAC, Greggory J
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Warburton AAC, William L
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Tamkin AAC, Norman J
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Gonzales AAC, Victor J
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Froelich AAC, Kenneth R
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Thielman PSC, Mike
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064 - Torosyan, Inc. AAC, Andy
- Governor
11444 W Olympic Blvd FL11Los Angeles, CA 90064
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