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The filling date of company FREEPORT-MCMORAN BAGDAD INC. is 26th October 2015. and expiration day is 31st October 2016. Company is incorporated on26th October 2015. Company ID is 603554455 and status of the firm is Inactive. The governing person of the comapany director,vice president is Arnold, Michael J. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany officer is Adkerson, Richard C. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany officer is Hughes, Michele A. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany officer is Boyce, Robert R. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany officer is Ban, Deborah A. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president,treasurer is Quirk, Kathleen L. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president is McMillan, II, L. Richards and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president,secretary is Currault II, Douglas N. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president is Donahue, Hugh O. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president is Falgoust, Dean T. and address is 1615 Poydras St.NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112. The governing person of the comapany vice president is Lewis-Scott, Linda K. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.PHOENIX, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president is McAllister, Jr., Francis R. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president is Tanner, Steven I. and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004. The governing person of the comapany vice president is Whitmire, Jr., C. Donald and address is 333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004.

UBI number
Company status
State Of Incorporation
Filling Date
26th October 2015
Expiration Date
31st October 2016
Inactive Date
29th January 2016

Registered Agent

Agent Name
Agent Address
Agent City
Agent State
Agent ZIP

Governing Persons

Arnold, Michael J.
Director,Vice President
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Adkerson, Richard C.
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Hughes, Michele A.
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Boyce, Robert R.
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Ban, Deborah A.
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Quirk, Kathleen L.
Vice President,Treasurer
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
McMillan, II, L. Richards
Vice President
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Currault II, Douglas N.
Vice President,Secretary
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Donahue, Hugh O.
Vice President
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Falgoust, Dean T.
Vice President
1615 Poydras St.NEW ORLEANS, LA 70112
Lewis-Scott, Linda K.
Vice President
333 N. Central Ave.PHOENIX, AZ 85004
McAllister, Jr., Francis R.
Vice President
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Tanner, Steven I.
Vice President
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004
Whitmire, Jr., C. Donald
Vice President
333 N. Central Ave.Phoenix, AZ 85004

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