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The filling date of company WASHINGTON TAXI ASSOCITION is 14th March 2012. and expiration day is 31st March 2013. Company is incorporated on14th March 2012. Company ID is 603190592 and status of the firm is Inactive. The governing person of the comapany director is kahlon, Gurminder and address is 11616 SE 230 PLkentkent, WA 98031. The governing person of the comapany director is Singh, Kuldeep and address is 2805 S 160th St SeaTac , WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is S, Shasha and address is 2805 S 160th St SeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Parhar, Dalijit and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Cheema, Parminder and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Kherah, Sukhchain and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Uarsame, Hassian and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is 460, Mustaffa and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is 505, Hassian and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is 649, Adane and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Singh, Ram 755 and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Khan, Aziz and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is 179, Mike and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is 514, Efron and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Dhami, Gurnam and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Randhawa, Jasbir and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is sidhu, Sukhvinder 802 and address is 2805 S 160th St SeaTacSeaTac , WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Singh 208, MALOOK and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Sarpanch, Shaminder and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Purewal, Guedeep and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Singh, Gurbhag and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Singh, Amandeep and address is 2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188. The governing person of the comapany director is Singh, Baljit and address is 2805 S 160th St SeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188.

UBI number
Company status
State Of Incorporation
Filling Date
14th March 2012
Expiration Date
31st March 2013
Inactive Date
1st July 2013

Registered Agent

Agent Name
Agent Address
11616 SE 230 PL
Agent City
Agent State
Agent ZIP

Governing Persons

kahlon, Gurminder
11616 SE 230 PLkentkent, WA 98031
Singh, Kuldeep
2805 S 160th St SeaTac , WA 98188
S, Shasha
2805 S 160th St SeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Parhar, Dalijit
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Cheema, Parminder
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Kherah, Sukhchain
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Uarsame, Hassian
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
460, Mustaffa
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
505, Hassian
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
649, Adane
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Singh, Ram 755
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Khan, Aziz
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
179, Mike
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
514, Efron
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Dhami, Gurnam
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Randhawa, Jasbir
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
sidhu, Sukhvinder 802
2805 S 160th St SeaTacSeaTac , WA 98188
Singh 208, MALOOK
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Sarpanch, Shaminder
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Purewal, Guedeep
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Singh, Gurbhag
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Singh, Amandeep
2805 S 160th StSeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188
Singh, Baljit
2805 S 160th St SeaTacSeaTac, WA 98188

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