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The filling date of company C3 LEADERS is 10th February 2012. and expiration day is 28th February 2017. Company is incorporated on10th February 2012. Company ID is 603180710 and status of the firm is Active. The governing person of the comapany chairman is Urie, D. Scott and address is 16505 9th Place NWSHORELINE, WA 98177. The governing person of the comapany director is Sharpe, Jon and address is 2401 NW 100th StreetSEATTLE, WA 98177. The governing person of the comapany director is Urie, D. Scott and address is 16505 9th Place NWSHORELINE, WA 98177. The governing person of the comapany director is Horn, Barry and address is 8601 NE 19th PlaceCLYDE HILL, WA 98004. The governing person of the comapany director is Brown, Jerry and address is 1001 Sunset WayBELLEVUE, WA 98004. The governing person of the comapany director is King, Robert and address is 16510 SE 58th PlaceBELLEVUE, WA 98004. The governing person of the comapany director is Hoover, Jack and address is 23929 West Woodway LaneWOODWAY, WA 98020. The governing person of the comapany director is Nuber, Robert and address is 2314 37th Avenue SWSEATTLE, WA 98126. The governing person of the comapany director is Cline, Peter and address is 18012 NE 132nd StreetREDMOND, WA 98052. The governing person of the comapany director is Reece, George and address is 14410 Bel-Red RoadBELLEVUE, WA 98007. The governing person of the comapany director is Rogers, Jeff and address is 1-192nd Avenue NEBELLEVUE, WA 98004. The governing person of the comapany director is Grieger, David and address is 525 West Kinnear PlaceSEATTLE, WA 98119. The governing person of the comapany director is Bell, Steve and address is 21827 4th Avenue SouthNORMANDY PARK, WA 98198. The governing person of the comapany director is Schock, Geoffrey and address is 8520 219th Ave NEREDMOND, WA 98053. The governing person of the comapany director is Baker, Catherine and address is 10346 NE 141st St.KIRKLAND, WA 98034. The governing person of the comapany officer is Horn, Barry and address is 8601 NE 19th PlaceCLYDE HILL, WA 98004. The governing person of the comapany officer is Brown, Jerry and address is 1001 Sunset WayBELLEVUE, WA 98004. The governing person of the comapany president is Sharpe, Jon and address is 2401 NW 100th StreetSEATTLE, WA 98177. The governing person of the comapany secretary is King, Robert and address is 16510 SE 58th PlaceBELLEVUE, WA 98004. The governing person of the comapany treasurer is Cline, Peter and address is 18012 NE 132nd StreetREDMOND, WA 98052.

UBI number
Company status
State Of Incorporation
Filling Date
10th February 2012
Expiration Date
28th February 2017
Inactive Date

Registered Agent

Agent Name
Corpserve, Inc.
Agent Address
1001 4TH AVE STE 4500
Agent City
Agent State
Agent ZIP

Governing Persons

Urie, D. Scott
16505 9th Place NWSHORELINE, WA 98177
Sharpe, Jon
2401 NW 100th StreetSEATTLE, WA 98177
Urie, D. Scott
16505 9th Place NWSHORELINE, WA 98177
Horn, Barry
8601 NE 19th PlaceCLYDE HILL, WA 98004
Brown, Jerry
1001 Sunset WayBELLEVUE, WA 98004
King, Robert
16510 SE 58th PlaceBELLEVUE, WA 98004
Hoover, Jack
23929 West Woodway LaneWOODWAY, WA 98020
Nuber, Robert
2314 37th Avenue SWSEATTLE, WA 98126
Cline, Peter
18012 NE 132nd StreetREDMOND, WA 98052
Reece, George
14410 Bel-Red RoadBELLEVUE, WA 98007
Rogers, Jeff
1-192nd Avenue NEBELLEVUE, WA 98004
Grieger, David
525 West Kinnear PlaceSEATTLE, WA 98119
Bell, Steve
21827 4th Avenue SouthNORMANDY PARK, WA 98198
Schock, Geoffrey
8520 219th Ave NEREDMOND, WA 98053
Baker, Catherine
10346 NE 141st St.KIRKLAND, WA 98034
Horn, Barry
8601 NE 19th PlaceCLYDE HILL, WA 98004
Brown, Jerry
1001 Sunset WayBELLEVUE, WA 98004
Sharpe, Jon
2401 NW 100th StreetSEATTLE, WA 98177
King, Robert
16510 SE 58th PlaceBELLEVUE, WA 98004
Cline, Peter
18012 NE 132nd StreetREDMOND, WA 98052

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