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2010 REIS BD L.L.C.

The filling date of company 2010 REIS BD L.L.C. is 18th August 2010. and expiration day is 31st August 2011. Company is incorporated on18th August 2010. Company ID is 603041605 and status of the firm is Inactive. The governing person of the comapany member is Anderson, Debbi and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany member is Anderson, Debra and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany member is Hettler, Anthony and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany member is Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Chad and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany member is Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Denny and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany member is Merriman, William and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany governor is Anderson, Debbi and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany governor is Anderson, Debra and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany governor is Hettler, Anthony and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany governor is Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Chad and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany governor is Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Denny and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406. The governing person of the comapany governor is Merriman, William and address is 4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406.

UBI number
Company status
State Of Incorporation
Filling Date
18th August 2010
Expiration Date
31st August 2011
Inactive Date
1st December 2011

Registered Agent

Agent Name
Agent Address
4424 6TH AVE STE#3
Agent City
Agent State
Agent ZIP

Governing Persons

Anderson, Debbi
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Anderson, Debra
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Hettler, Anthony
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Chad
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Denny
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Merriman, William
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Anderson, Debbi
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Anderson, Debra
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Hettler, Anthony
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Chad
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Anderson Irrevocable Trust, Denny
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406
Merriman, William
4424 6th Ave. Ste.#3Tacoma, WA 98406

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