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The filling date of company CATALINA ASSOCIATION OF PUGET SOUND is 25th April 2010. and expiration day is 30th April 2015. Company is incorporated on25th April 2010. Company ID is 603012272 and status of the firm is Inactive. The governing person of the comapany secretary is McKenzie, Nancy and address is 11945 80th Pl. NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034. The governing person of the comapany president is Clawson, Dan and address is 2018 NE 28th PLRENTON, WA 98056. The governing person of the comapany officer is Fend, Dave and address is 8470 N. Mercer WayMERCER ISLAND, WA 98040. The governing person of the comapany officer is McKenzie, Ken and address is 11945 80th PL NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034. The governing person of the comapany officer is Eagle, Dick and address is 14218 NE 63rd Ct.REDMOND, WA 98052. The governing person of the comapany officer is Clawson, Laura and address is 108 Logan Ave. S Ste ARENTON, WA 98057. The governing person of the comapany officer is Madden, Tom and address is 4211 Greenwood Ave. N.SEATTLE, WA 98103. The governing person of the comapany officer is Fielder, Jim and address is 916 167th NEBELLEVUE, WA 98008. The governing person of the comapany governor is Fielder, Jim and address is 916 167th NEBELLEVUE, WA 98008. The governing person of the comapany governor is Madden, Tom and address is 4211 Greenwood Ave. N.SEATTLE, WA 98103. The governing person of the comapany governor is Clawson, Laura and address is 108 Logan Ave. S Ste ARENTON, WA 98057. The governing person of the comapany governor is Eagle, Dick and address is 14218 NE 63rd Ct.REDMOND, WA 98052. The governing person of the comapany governor is McKenzie, Ken and address is 11945 80th PL NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034. The governing person of the comapany governor is Clawson, Dan and address is 2018 NE 28th PLRENTON, WA 98056. The governing person of the comapany governor is McKenzie, Nancy and address is 11945 80th Pl. NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034. The governing person of the comapany governor is Fend, Dave and address is 8470 N. Mercer WayMERCER ISLAND, WA 98040.

UBI number
Company status
State Of Incorporation
Filling Date
25th April 2010
Expiration Date
30th April 2015
Inactive Date
3rd August 2015

Registered Agent

Agent Name
Agent Address
Agent City
Agent State
Agent ZIP

Governing Persons

McKenzie, Nancy
11945 80th Pl. NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034
Clawson, Dan
2018 NE 28th PLRENTON, WA 98056
Fend, Dave
8470 N. Mercer WayMERCER ISLAND, WA 98040
McKenzie, Ken
11945 80th PL NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034
Eagle, Dick
14218 NE 63rd Ct.REDMOND, WA 98052
Clawson, Laura
108 Logan Ave. S Ste ARENTON, WA 98057
Madden, Tom
4211 Greenwood Ave. N.SEATTLE, WA 98103
Fielder, Jim
916 167th NEBELLEVUE, WA 98008
Fielder, Jim
916 167th NEBELLEVUE, WA 98008
Madden, Tom
4211 Greenwood Ave. N.SEATTLE, WA 98103
Clawson, Laura
108 Logan Ave. S Ste ARENTON, WA 98057
Eagle, Dick
14218 NE 63rd Ct.REDMOND, WA 98052
McKenzie, Ken
11945 80th PL NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034
Clawson, Dan
2018 NE 28th PLRENTON, WA 98056
McKenzie, Nancy
11945 80th Pl. NEKIRKLAND, WA 98034
Fend, Dave
8470 N. Mercer WayMERCER ISLAND, WA 98040

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