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The filling date of company SUPERFEET FOUNDATION is 17th March 2010. and expiration day is 31st March 2017. Company is incorporated on17th March 2010. Company ID is 603001833 and status of the firm is Active. The governing person of the comapany director is Howard, Dave and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany director is Dohner, Scott and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany director is Rauvola, John and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany president is Rauvola, John and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany secretary is Howard, Dave and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany treasurer is Howard, Dave and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany vice president is Dohner, Scott and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany vice president is Howard, Dave and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany governor is Dohner, Scott and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany governor is Rauvola, John and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248. The governing person of the comapany governor is Howard, Dave and address is 1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248.

UBI number
Company status
State Of Incorporation
Filling Date
17th March 2010
Expiration Date
31st March 2017
Inactive Date

Registered Agent

Agent Name
BAJ Services, L.L.C.
Agent Address
2200 RIMLAND DR #230
Agent City
Agent State
Agent ZIP

Governing Persons

Howard, Dave
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Dohner, Scott
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Rauvola, John
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Rauvola, John
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Howard, Dave
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Howard, Dave
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Dohner, Scott
Vice President
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Howard, Dave
Vice President
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Dohner, Scott
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Rauvola, John
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248
Howard, Dave
1820 Scout PlaceFERNDALE, WA 98248

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